Essential Oils

Almond Oil/Prunus Dulcis /Magaz Badam Tail

English Name: Almond Oil

Botanical Name: Prunus Dulcis

Local Name: Magaz Badam Tail

Product Description

Almond oil had been used extensively for its health benefits and as a beauty aid much before science caught up with the goodness of this seed oil. Very popular in Southeast Asia and in the Mediterranean region where the Almond tree was first domesticated, the almond kernels and the nutty oil extracted from them were credited with promoting heart and skin health.

Black Seed Oil/Nigella Sativa / Kalvanji Tail

English Name: Black Seed Oil

Botanical Name: Nigella Sativa

Local Name: Kalvanji Tail

Product Description

Black seeds are also known as black caraway, black cumin, kalonji, and black onion seeds.

They come from Nigella sativa, a small plant with pale purple, blue, or white flowers that grows in Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and the Middle East.

People have used the tiny black seeds of the fruits of N. sativa as a natural remedy for thousands of years. The seeds can also flavor curries, pickles, and bread in a similar way to cumin or oregano.

Mustard Seed Oil / Brassica / Sarson Tail

English Name: Mustard Seed Oil

Botanical Name: Brassica

Local Name: Sarson Tail

Product Description

Mustard oil, or sarson ka tel, assumes a vital job in an kitchen. The impactful oil isn’t utilized for the planning of provincial rarities, but at the same time is known for its supernatural medical advantages, such as boosting insusceptibility, treating cool, giving sustenance to skin, and most basically, reassuring hair development. Who doesn’t care for long and wonderful tresses?

It is hard not to feel jealous when you see somebody with long and brilliant hair. All the more in this way, when you discover that they were conceived with hair that lovely while you are battling with hair that is dull, unmanageable and unpleasant; and the elements could be anything, from contamination to hard water, to synthetics and then some. Thank sky for the accessibility of mustard oil that is said to have certain properties that assistance lessen hair issues, in this way, keeping your locks sound.

Coconut Oil /Cocos Nucifera/ Gari Tail

English Name: Coconut Oil / Gari Tail

Botanical Name: Cocos Nucifera

Local Name: Gari Tail

Product Description

Pure coconut Oil, or copra oil, is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts harvested from the coconut palm.

Sesame Oil/Sesamum Indicum / Till Tail

English Name: Sesame Oil / Till Tail

Botanical Name: Sesamum Indicum

Local Name: Till Tail

Product Description

These luscious dried dates are grown in Pakistan. Dried and pitted using traditional methods, these dates contain no added ingredients or sweeteners. Sweet and addictively textured, studies show that dried dates are a rich source of iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Peanut Oil/Arachis Hypogea / Monphali Oil

English Name: Peanut Oil

Botanical Name: Arachis Hypogea

Local Name: Monphali Tail

Product Description

There are several cooking oils available in the market. And peanut oil is one of them. Yes, we know it is hard to determine which of the oils works best. Well, that is for you to decide. But what we can do is give you the details – on why including peanut oil in your diet can be a great idea after all.

Avocado Oil / Persea Americana/ Mgar Nashpati Tail

English Name: Avocado Oil

Botanical Name: Persea Americana

Local Name: Mgar Nashpati

Product Description

Avocado oil has a lot in its favor. Like extra-virgin olive oil, it is high (76 percent) in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that won’t raise cholesterol. Avocado oil is pressed from the fruit of the avocado (not the pit), which contains chlorophyll in addition to its healthful carotenoids, so if you haven’t yet tried it, you may be surprised by its bright green color.

Lavender Oil/Lavandula / Huzam Oil

English Name: Lavender Oil

Botanical Name: Lavandula

Local Name: Huzam

Product Description

By far one of the most popular and versatile essential oils, lavender essential oil is a powerhouse of healing properties and is great for reducing stress, relieving pain, improving blood circulation, repelling insects, providing relaxation, disinfecting wounds and much more!

Used for centuries, as early as ancient Egypt for mummification, and for cleansing baths during the Roman civilization, lavender oil is just as popular today as it was over 2000+ years ago.

Extracted from the fragrant flowers of the lavender plant, using the
from soaps, shampoos and lotions to potpourri, massage oils and air freshners.

Chamomile Oil/ Matricaria Chamomilla/ Babona Till

English Name: Chamomile Oil

Botanical Name: Matricaria Chamomilla

Local Name: Babona Till

Product Description

Rose Oil / Rosa Damascena/ Gulab Till

English Name: Rose Oil

Botanical Name: Rosa damascena

Local Name: Gulab Till

Product Description

Rose Water / Damascena / Gulab Arq

English Name: Rose Water / Gulab Arq

Botanical Name: Damascena

Local Name: Gulab Arq

Product Description

Rose water is a liquid made from water and rose petals. It is used as a perfume due to its sweet scent, but it has medicinal and culinary values, as well.

Dill Seed Oil / Anethum Graveolens / Dill Seed

English Name: Dill Seed Oil

Botanical Name: Anethum Graveolens

Local Name: Dill Seed

Product Description

Widely used in European dishes, Dill Seeds are similar in taste to Caraway Seeds. Dill seeds are often used as a rub for meats, in sour cream sauces, in pickling mixtures and in many soups, stews and sauces. Try Dill Seeds in crumb toppings for casseroles.