Root Herbs

Picrorhiza Kurrooa / Picorrhiza kurroa / Kutki

English Name: Picrorhiza Kurrooa

Botanical Name: Picrorhiza Kurrooa

Local Name: Kutki

Product Description

Picrorhiza is a plant that grows in the Himalayan mountains. People, especially practitioners of Ayuverdic medicine, use the root and rhizome (underground stem) for treatment. Picrorhiza has been harvested to near extinction.

Paeoni Roots/Paeonia officinalis / Oud Saleb

English Name: Paeoni Roots

Botanical Name: Paeonia officinalis

Local Name: Oud Saleb

Product Description

Paeonia, commonly known as peony, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Paeoniaceae. The plants in this genus are perennials, and they are known for their large, showy, and often fragrant flowers. While peonies are primarily cultivated for their ornamental value, their roots, particularly the species Paeonia lactiflora, have been used in traditional medicine in various cultures.

Peony roots, or Paeoni Radix, have been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for centuries. The dried and processed roots of Paeonia lactiflora, known as Bai Shao or White Peony Root, are a common ingredient in TCM formulations. Bai Shao is believed to have various medicinal properties, including its ability to nourish the blood, calm the liver, and alleviate pain. It is often used in TCM to treat conditions related to menstrual health, muscle cramps, and emotional imbalances.

Aconit Sweet /Aconitum Heterrophyllum / Atees Shiri

English Name: Aconit Sweet

Botanical Name: Aconitum Heterrophyllum

Local Name: Atees Shiri

Product Description

These perennial plants grow to a height of 0.6 to 1.5m and resemble delphiniums. Aconite has characteristic helmet-shaped blue or purple flowers. Occasionally, the flowers maybe white, pink, peach or yellow in color. More than 100 species of Aconitum are found throughout the temperature zones of the United States and Canada. These plants are also found throughout many parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. They contain poisonous alkaloids such as aconite.

Aconit Bitter /Aconitum Heterrophyllum / Atees Talakh

English Name: Aconit Bitter

Botanical Name: Aconitum Heterrophyllum

Local Name: Atees Talakh

Product Description

These perennial plants grow to a height of 0.6 to 1.5m and resemble delphiniums. Aconite has characteristic helmet-shaped blue or purple flowers. Occasionally, the flowers maybe white, pink, peach or yellow in color. More than 100 species of Aconitum are found throughout the temperature zones of the United States and Canada. These plants are also found throughout many parts of Asia, Africa and Europe. They contain poisonous alkaloids such as aconite.

Joint Pine/ Ephedra Vulgaris / Soma Kalpa

English Name: Joint Pine

Botanical Name: Ephedra Vulgaris

Local Name: Soma Kalpa

Product Description

Ephedra fragilis, commonly named the joint pine, is a species of Ephedra that is native to Eastern Mediterranean region of Southern Europre and Norhtern Africa, and from Maderia and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic. Its habitats are rocky hills and stone walls, where it grows to 6 feet tall.

Viviparous Bistort / Polygonum Bistorta Linn / Anjbaar

English Name: Viviparous Bistort

Botanical Name: Polygonum Bistorta Linn

Local Name: Anjbaar

Product Description

Viviparous Bistort, also known as Anjbar, is a perennial herb distinguished by its unique growth habit and medicinal properties. It is commonly found in various traditional medicine practices.

Benefits of  Viviparous Bistort (Anjbar)

1. Digestive Health: Anjbar is known to aid digestion and help relieve gastrointestinal issues, including stomach cramps and diarrhea.

2. Anti-inflammatory: The herb has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and alleviate conditions like arthritis.

3. Detoxification: Anjbar is used to support detoxification processes, promoting overall body purification and health.

4. Skin Health: Its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties make it beneficial for treating skin conditions, including minor irritations and rashes.

Viviparous Bistort is valued for its medicinal uses and natural health benefits, making it an important herb in traditional remedies.

Scammony Root / Convolvulus Scammonia /Scammony Booti

English Name: Scammony Root

Botanical Name: Convolvulus Scammonia

Local Name: Scammony Booti

Product Description

Convolvulus scammonia, known commonly as scammony, is a bindweed native to the countries of the Eastern part of the Meditarranean basin; it grows in bushy waste places, from Syria in the South to the Crimea in the North, its range extending westward to the Greek islands, but not to Northern Africa or Italy.

Turpeth Roots /Operculina turpethum / Tirvi Sufaid

English Name: Turpeth Roots

Botanical Name: Operculina turpethum

Local Name: Tirvi Sufaid

Product Description

Turpeth roots, botanically known as Operculina turpethum, are the tuberous roots of a perennial climbing plant native to tropical regions of Asia and Africa. Also commonly referred to as Indian Jalap, this plant has been traditionally used in various medicinal practices for its therapeutic properties.

The turpeth root is characterized by its woody, gnarled appearance and its bitter taste. In traditional medicine, particularly in Ayurveda, it is valued for its laxative, purgative, and detoxifying properties. The root contains active compounds like resins, glycosides, and alkaloids, which contribute to its medicinal benefits. It is often used to treat constipation, promote bowel movements, and alleviate digestive issues.


Common Polypody /Polypodium vulgare Linn/ Bisfaij

English Name: Common Polypody

Botanical Name: Polypodium vulgare Linn

Local Name: Bisfaij

Product Description

Common Polypody, scientifically known as Polypodium vulgare, is a resilient and adaptable fern species that thrives in various habitats across the globe. This fern is characterized by its delicate, pinnately compound fronds that form a lush, spreading rosette. Each frond is made up of numerous small, rounded leaflets, giving it a feathery appearance.

Common Polypody is often found growing on rocks, walls, and tree trunks, displaying its ability to flourish in both shady and sunny environments. Its tenacity and adaptability make it a common sight in forests, woodlands, and rocky landscapes.

Ginseng Root White/ Ginseng / Ginseng Sufaid

English Name: Ginseng Root White

Botanical Name: Ginseng

Local Name: Ginseng Safaid

Product Description

Ginseng, a revered herb known scientifically as Panax ginseng, is a perennial plant native to the cool and shaded forests of Asia and North America. Its name, “Panax,” is derived from the Greek word meaning “all-healing,” reflecting its long-standing reputation in traditional medicine as a powerful adaptogen and tonic.

The ginseng plant is characterized by its fleshy roots, which are the most valued part of the plant due to their medicinal properties. These roots often resemble the human form, with some even being described as anthropomorphic. Ginseng plants typically have compound leaves and produce clusters of small, yellow-green flowers and red berries.


Ginseng Root Brown/  Ginseng / Ginseng Brown

English Name: Ginseng Root Brown

Botanical Name: Ginseng

Local Name: Ginseng Brown

Product Description

Ginseng, a revered herb known scientifically as Panax ginseng, is a perennial plant native to the cool and shaded forests of Asia and North America. Its name, “Panax,” is derived from the Greek word meaning “all-healing,” reflecting its long-standing reputation in traditional medicine as a powerful adaptogen and tonic.

The ginseng plant is characterized by its fleshy roots, which are the most valued part of the plant due to their medicinal properties. These roots often resemble the human form, with some even being described as anthropomorphic. Ginseng plants typically have compound leaves and produce clusters of small, yellow-green flowers and red berries.

Alkanet Root (A Quality)/ Alkanna Tinctoria / Ratanjot 

English Name: Alkanet Root

Botanical Name: Alkanna tinctoria

Local Name: Ratanjot

Product Description

Alkanet root, scientifically known as Alkanna tinctoria, is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia. This plant is renowned for its vibrant blue to purple flowers and its dark red to brownish-black roots, which are the primary source of its historical and contemporary uses.

Traditionally, alkanet root has been used as a natural dye and a coloring agent. When infused in oils or mixed with other substances, it imparts a deep red to maroon hue, making it valuable in the textile industry and for coloring cosmetics, soaps, and ointments. Its natural coloring properties have also found applications in traditional arts and crafts.

Alkanet Root (B Quality)/ Alkanna Tinctoria / Ratanjot 

English Name: Alkanet Root

Botanical Name: Alkanna tinctoria

Local Name: Ratanjot

Product Description

Alkanet root, scientifically known as Alkanna tinctoria, is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia. This plant is renowned for its vibrant blue to purple flowers and its dark red to brownish-black roots, which are the primary source of its historical and contemporary uses.

Traditionally, alkanet root has been used as a natural dye and a coloring agent. When infused in oils or mixed with other substances, it imparts a deep red to maroon hue, making it valuable in the textile industry and for coloring cosmetics, soaps, and ointments. Its natural coloring properties have also found applications in traditional arts and crafts.

Costus Root Bitter/ Saussurea costus/ Kuth Talakh

English Name: Costus Root

Botanical Name: Saussurea costus

Local Name: Kuth Talakh

Product Description

Costus root, also known as Saussurea costus or simply Costus, is a perennial herb native to the Himalayan region, particularly found in parts of India, Nepal, and Tibet. This plant is highly valued in traditional medicine systems, including Ayurveda, for its medicinal properties, and has been used for centuries in various cultures for its therapeutic benefits.

The costus plant is characterized by its tall, erect stem, large lance-shaped leaves, and tubular flowers that range in color from yellow to purple. However, it is the root of the plant that is most prized for its medicinal properties. Costus root has a warm, bitter taste and is known for its aromatic fragrance.

kuth talak

Costus Root Sweet/ Saussurea costus/ Kuth Shiri

English Name: Costus Root

Botanical Name: Saussurea costus

Local Name: Kuth Talakh

Product Description

Costus root, also known as Saussurea costus or simply Costus, is a perennial herb native to the Himalayan region, particularly found in parts of India, Nepal, and Tibet. This plant is highly valued in traditional medicine systems, including Ayurveda, for its medicinal properties, and has been used for centuries in various cultures for its therapeutic benefits.

The costus plant is characterized by its tall, erect stem, large lance-shaped leaves, and tubular flowers that range in color from yellow to purple. However, it is the root of the plant that is most prized for its medicinal properties. Costus root has a warm, bitter taste and is known for its aromatic fragrance.


Pellitory Root /Anacyclus Pyrethrum/ Aqar Qarha

English Name: Pellitory Roots

Botanical Name: Anacyclus pyrethrum

Local Name: Aqar Qarha

Product Description

Pellitory, scientifically known as Anacyclus pyrethrum, is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia. Pellitory is well-known for its medicinal properties, particularly its roots, which have been used in traditional herbal medicine for various purposes.

The pellitory plant features small, daisy-like flowers with white or pale pink petals and deeply lobed leaves. Its roots, however, are the most valued part of the plant in herbal medicine. Pellitory roots are rich in compounds such as pyrethrins and anacyclin, which contribute to their medicinal properties.


Sarsaparilla Root/Anacyclus pyrethrum / Usbha

English Name: Sarsaparilla Root

Botanical Name: Smilax ornata

Local Name: Usbha

Product Description

Sarsaparilla root, derived from various species of Smilax plants, is a vine-like plant native to Central and South America, as well as certain parts of Asia. Historically, it has been used for its potential health benefits, and it is especially well-known for its traditional use in herbal medicine.

The sarsaparilla plant features long, trailing vines with heart-shaped leaves and small, greenish flowers. Its roots, however, are the primary part used for medicinal purposes. Sarsaparilla root is renowned for its potential as a natural remedy. In traditional herbal medicine, it has been used to address a range of conditions, including skin problems, joint pain, and various inflammatory issues.


Common Melilot Big/ Melilotus officinalis / Nakhonay

English Name: Common Melilot Big

Botanical Name: Melilotus officinalis

Local Name: Nakhonay

Product Description

Common Melilot, scientifically known as Melilotus officinalis, is an herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family Fabaceae. Also referred to as Yellow Sweet Clover, it is native to Eurasia but has naturalized in many parts of North America. The plant is characterized by its tall, slender stems, bearing clusters of small, fragrant, yellow or white flowers. These flowers, reminiscent of tiny pea blossoms, create a visually appealing display in fields and along roadsides during its blooming season.

Common Melilot has a distinct sweet scent, particularly when dried, which has led to its historical use as a fragrant addition to potpourris and sachets. Apart from its aromatic qualities, it has been used in traditional medicine for its potential healing properties. Historically, it was used to make herbal teas believed to aid digestion and alleviate symptoms of indigestion.

Common Melilot Small/ Melilotus officinalis / Nakhonay

English Name: Common Melilot Small

Botanical Name: Melilotus officinalis

Local Name: Nakhonay

Product Description

Common Melilot, scientifically known as Melilotus officinalis, is an herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family Fabaceae. Also referred to as Yellow Sweet Clover, it is native to Eurasia but has naturalized in many parts of North America. The plant is characterized by its tall, slender stems, bearing clusters of small, fragrant, yellow or white flowers. These flowers, reminiscent of tiny pea blossoms, create a visually appealing display in fields and along roadsides during its blooming season.

Common Melilot has a distinct sweet scent, particularly when dried, which has led to its historical use as a fragrant addition to potpourris and sachets. Apart from its aromatic qualities, it has been used in traditional medicine for its potential healing properties. Historically, it was used to make herbal teas believed to aid digestion and alleviate symptoms of indigestion.

Red Sage / Salvia Haematodes/ Behman Laal

English Name: Red Sage

Botanical Name: Salvia Haematodes

Local Name: Behman Laal

Product Description

Red Sage, scientifically known as Salvia miltiorrhiza, is a perennial herb native to China and Japan, although it is cultivated in various parts of the world for its medicinal properties. This herb is renowned in traditional Chinese medicine, where its roots, which are bright red on the inside, are highly valued for their potential health benefits.

Red Sage is characterized by its square stems, gray-green leaves, and spikes of tubular, purplish-pink flowers. The vibrant red color of its roots is due to the presence of potent compounds, including tanshinones and salvianolic acids, which are believed to contribute to its medicinal properties.

White Sage / Salvia Haematodes/Behman Sufaid

English Name: White Sage

Botanical Name: Salvia Haematodes

Local Name: Behman Safaid

Product Description

White Sage, scientifically known as Salvia apiana, is a perennial herb native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. It is a sacred plant deeply rooted in Native American traditions and has gained popularity in various spiritual and wellness practices around the world.

White Sage is characterized by its silvery-white leaves and tall flower spikes adorned with clusters of small, white to pale lavender flowers. The plant is well-known for its strong, aromatic scent, which intensifies when the leaves are crushed or burned. Traditionally, it has been used by Native American tribes, such as the California Chumash and the Native peoples of the Southwest, in purification rituals and ceremonies to cleanse spaces, objects, and individuals of negative energies.

Paris Polyphylla / Himalayan Paris/ Dhood Bacha

English Name: Paris Polyphylla

Botanical Name: Himalayan Paris

Local Name: Dhood Bacha

Product Description

Paris polyphylla, commonly known as the herb Paris or fiveleaf ginseng, is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Asia, including regions in China, India, Japan, and the Himalayas. This plant is characterized by its distinctive whorls of lance-shaped leaves and a single greenish-yellow flower atop a central stem, which gives it an elegant and unique appearance.

Despite its beauty, it’s important to note that Paris polyphylla is highly toxic, containing compounds called steroidal saponins that can be harmful or even lethal if ingested. Due to its toxicity, it is not used in traditional herbal medicine as much as other plants in the same family.

Valerian Root /Valeriana officinalis / Asaroon

English Name: Valerian Root

Botanical Name: Valeriana officinalis

Local Name: Asaroon

Product Description

Valerian root, derived from the Valeriana officinalis plant, is a perennial herb native to Europe and parts of Asia. For centuries, it has been prized for its medicinal properties and is widely used in traditional herbal medicine.

Valerian root is known for its distinct odor, often described as strong, earthy, and musky. Despite its pungent aroma, it has been used historically to address various health concerns, particularly those related to sleep and relaxation. In herbal medicine, valerian root is a popular natural remedy for insomnia and sleep disorders. It is believed to promote relaxation and improve the quality of sleep, making it a common ingredient in herbal teas, tinctures, and supplements designed to aid in sleep.


Madder Roots/Rubia tinctorum / Majith

English Name: Madder Roots

Botanical Name: Rubia tinctorum

Local Name: Majith

Product Description

Madder, scientifically known as Rubia tinctorum, is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Eurasia and North Africa. It is renowned for its vibrant red dye, which has been extracted from its roots for thousands of years. Madder has a long history of use in traditional dyeing processes, and its rich red color has been highly prized for textiles, fabrics, and art.

The madder plant features climbing stems, small greenish-yellow flowers, and rough leaves arranged in whorls. Its roots contain a compound called alizarin, which, when extracted, produces a range of red and pink dyes. Historically, madder was one of the most important natural sources of red dye before the synthetic dye industry developed. (15)

Screw Tree/Helicteres isora / Marror Phali

English Name: Screw Tree

Botanical Name: Helicteres isora

Local Name: Marror Phali

Product Description

Screw Tree, scientifically known as Helicteres isora, is a deciduous shrub native to Asia, particularly found in India, China, and Southeast Asian countries. This plant is characterized by its unique spirally twisted seed pods, which resemble screws, giving it its common name.

The Screw Tree features oval-shaped leaves and produces vibrant yellow to orange flowers with a reddish center. After flowering, the plant develops elongated, woody seed pods that have a distinctive helical twist, resembling screws. These pods contain seeds and are often used in traditional crafts and jewelry making.

Jalapa Root /Terminalia Chebula / Jalapa Hareer

English Name: Jalapa Root

Botanical Name: Terminalia Chebula

Local Name: Jalapa Hareer

Product Description

Jalap, native to tropical Mexico, is an upright herb with solitary reddish flowers. Its apple-sized turnip-shaped roots are the source of an ancient purgative, still in use.