
Borage Leaves/Onosma Bracteatum / Gaozuban

English Name: Borage Leaves

Botanical Name: Onosma Bracteatum

Local Name: Gaozuban

Product Description

Borage (Borago officinalis) is a herbaceous plant native to the Mediterranean region but cultivated worldwide. While borage is primarily known for its vibrant blue flowers, its leaves are also highly valued in culinary and herbal traditions.

Borage leaves are medium to large in size, covered in fine hairs that give them a slightly fuzzy texture. They have a mild cucumber-like flavor, making them popular additions to salads and summer dishes. Borage leaves are rich in nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and essential vitamins, adding both flavor and nutritional value to various recipes.

leaves herbs

Senna Leaves/ Senna Alexandrina / Berg Senna

English Name: Senna Leaves

Botanical Name: Senna Alexandrina

Local Name: Berg Senna

Product Description

Senna leaves are the leaves of the Senna plant, particularly Senna alexandrina, a shrub native to North Africa, the Middle East, and some parts of Asia. This plant has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, especially for its laxative properties.

The active compounds in senna leaves, known as anthraquinones, stimulate the muscles in the intestines, promoting bowel movements. Because of this effect, senna leaves are often used in herbal remedies and commercial laxative products to relieve constipation. They are particularly helpful for short-term relief, but prolonged or excessive use can lead to dependence and other digestive issues.


Henna Leaves/ Lawsonia Inermis / Berg Henna

English Name: Henna Leaves

Botanical Name: Lawsonia Inermis

Local Name: Berg Henna

Product Description

Henna leaves, scientifically known as Lawsonia inermis, come from the henna plant, a small shrub native to North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. Henna has been used for centuries for its natural dye properties and various cultural and cosmetic purposes.

The leaves of the henna plant contain a natural pigment called lawsone, which, when crushed and mixed with a mildly acidic liquid, creates a reddish-brown dye. This dye has been traditionally used for body art, hair coloring, and as a natural cosmetic and medicinal agent. Henna tattoos, or mehndi, are a popular form of temporary body art in many cultures, often used for celebrations and special occasions.


Banafsha Leaves/ Viola Odorata / Berg Banafsha

English Name: Banafsha Leaves

Botanical Name: Viola Odorata

Local Name: Berg Banafsha

Product Description

Banafsha, also known as Malva sylvestris or common mallow, is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Malvaceae family. It is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa but is now found in various parts of the world. Banafsha leaves are valued for their potential medicinal properties and have been used in traditional herbal medicine for centuries.

The leaves of the banafsha plant are soft, velvety, and deeply lobed. They contain mucilage, flavonoids, and other compounds that contribute to their potential health benefits. In traditional herbal medicine, banafsha leaves are used to make herbal teas, infusions, and poultices.


Maiden Hair Fern / Adiantum Capillus-Veneris / Parsiaonshan

English Name: Maiden Hair Fern

Botanical Name: Adiantum Capillus-Veneris

Local Name: Parsiaonshan

Product Description

Maidenhair fern, scientifically known as Adiantum, is a delicate and graceful fern species known for its distinctive fan-shaped fronds and airy appearance. This fern belongs to the Pteridaceae family and is found in various temperate and tropical regions around the world.

The name “maidenhair” comes from the fine, dark stalks that resemble human hair. The fronds are composed of numerous small, rounded leaflets, giving them a feathery and lacy appearance. Maidenhair ferns are typically found in moist, shaded environments, often growing near waterfalls, streams, or in humid forests.


Air Creeper/ Cuscuta Reflexa / Aftimon

English Name: Air Creeper

Botanical Name: Cuscuta Reflexa

Local Name: Aftimon

Product Description

Cuscuta reflexa, commonly known as dodder, is a parasitic flowering plant that belongs to the Convolvulaceae family. Unlike most plants, dodder lacks chlorophyll and leaves, making it entirely dependent on other host plants for its nutrients. It has thin, thread-like stems that wrap around the host plant, forming dense, tangled masses. Dodder is often found in agricultural fields, gardens, and natural habitats.

Dodder seeds germinate in the soil, but the seedling quickly establishes contact with a host plant. Once attached, dodder’s roots penetrate the host plant’s tissue, enabling it to draw nutrients and water directly from the host. Dodder plants produce small, white to pinkish flowers that are pollinated by insects. After flowering, dodder produces capsules containing numerous tiny seeds.


Moringa Leave / Moringa Oleifera / Sohanjna Leaves

English Name: Moringa Leaves

Botanical Name: Moringa Oleifera

Local Name: Sohanjana Patta

Product Description

Moringa leaves, often referred to as the “drumstick tree” leaves, are renowned for their impressive nutritional profile and versatile health benefits. These leaves are a staple in various traditional diets and medicinal practices.

Benefits of Moringa Leaves:

  1. Nutrient-Dense: Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and E, calcium, potassium, and iron, which support overall health and well-being.
  2. Blood Sugar Regulation: May help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which can be beneficial for managing diabetes.
  3. Digestive Health: Provides dietary fiber that aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.
  4. Immune Support: Boosts the immune system due to its high vitamin C content, which helps strengthen the body’s defense against infections.

Moringa leaves are celebrated for their wide-ranging health benefits, making them a valuable addition to a balanced diet and wellness regimen.

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